
Open calls for application!

EANO is looking for active new members for the Nurses and Allied Healthcare Professionals Committee (NAC), as well as for the newly formed Brain...



  • Publications

Guidelines, Journals and Publications

EANO considers the preparation of multidisciplinary guidelines as a prime task to support the development of high quality care of brain tumor patients across Europe. The decision to generate or update a guideline is made by the EANO Executive Board.

Neuro-Oncology is the major journal in our field (impact factor of 10.091). It is owned by our partner society, Society of Neuro-Oncology in the US, and published by Oxford University Press (OUP). EANO has engaged in a contract with SNO to assure that EANO members have free access to this journal.

Neuro-oncology Practice is a new journal with a different scope as illustrated by its title. It focuses on the clinical aspects of the subspecialty for practicing clinicians and healthcare specialists from a variety of disciplines. Effective 2016, this journal is co-owned by SNO, EANO and OUP.

Neuro-Oncology Advances is an open access journal published by OUP, in partnership with the Society for Neuro-Oncology (SNO) and the European Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO). Neuro-Oncology Advances is intended to expand the scope and spectrum of what Neuro-Oncology journal covers.

EANO together with the Society for Neuro-Oncology (SNO) in the USA are publishing the WFNOS Website (former WFNOS Magazine) (World Federation of Neuro-Oncology Societies). The aim of the WFNOS website is mainly twofold. The first is an educational scope by means of reviews, interviews, pros and cons debates from experts on topics of clinical interest . The second aim is to spread information on neurooncological activities worldwide by providing news from National and International Societies of NeuroOncology, nurses and youngster groups.

EANO believes that the neuro-oncology community is served best by this set of publications: bridging experimental and clinical research, addressing practical issues of clinical neuro-oncology, and rapid updates on major developments in our field at all levels.