EANO Educational Day - Thursday, October 16, 2025
Note that the programme is subject to change and will be continuously updated.
All times below refer to Central European Summer Time (CEST).
08:30-09:50 hrs
Chairs: tbc
EDB01.1 What is the tumor microenvironment?
Mihaela Lorger, United Kingdom
EDB01.2 Peritumoral microenvironment in glioma and brain metastases
Levi van Hijfte, Netherlands
EDB01.3 Brain-specific immunosuppression
Lukas Bunse, Germany
EDB01.4 Chemical environmental factors in brain tumors: hypoxia and acidosis
Gelareh Zadeh, Canada
Chairs: tbc
EDC01.1 Ependymoma
Roberta Ruda, Italy
EDC01.2 Medulloblastoma
Anna Berghoff, Austria
EDC01.3 Hemangioblastomas
Felix Brehar, Romania
EDC01.4 Spinal cord tumors
George Petrescu, Romania
Chairs: tbc
EDN01.1 The role of nurses and AHPs in the Czech healthcare context
Katerina Polachova, Czechia
EDN01.2 Differences and similarities in referral and support provision across countries
Marike Donders-Kamphuis, Netherlands
EDN01.3 Proms monitoring: The role of PROMs-based monitoring in optimising patient care
Johan Koekkoek, Netherlands
EDN01.4 Supporting patients & caregivers towards better self management of side effects
Ben Rimmer, United Kingdom
09:50-10:00 hrs | BREAK
10:00-11:00 hrs
Chairs: tbc
EDB02.1 Microbiome – brain tumor axis
Lily Keane, Ireland
EDB02.2 The circadian clock and brain tumors
EDB02.3 The role of sex and hormones in brain tumors
Helene Dumond, France
Chairs: tbc
EDC02.1 Pathology of midline tumours
Laetitia Lebrun, Belgium
EDC02.2 Surgery for midline tumours
Thomas Santarius, United Kingdom
EDC02.3 Systemic and radiation therapies
Angela Mastronuzzi, Italy
chair: tbc
EDN02.1 Discussing sex and fertility
Line Benson, Denmark
EDN02.2 Discussing potential late effects of treatment and managing difficult quality of life conversations
Ida Borgen, Norway
EDN02.3 Discussing wishes and needs for end-of-life care
Caroline Hertler, Switzerland
11:00-11:30 hrs | COFFEE BREAK
11:30-13:00 hrs
chair: tbc
EDB03.1 Molecular profiling technologies and integration of omics methods
Emmanuelle Uro Coste, France
EDB03.2 Crispr-based screens
EDB03.3 Platform based preclinical/translational screens
Martine Lamfers, Netherlands
EDB03.4 Spatial imaging in primary and metastatic brain tumors
EDB03.5 Metabolomics
Christiane Opitz, Germany
Chair: tbc
EDC03.1 Immunotherapeutic strategies for glioblastoma
Johnny Duerinck, Belgium
EDC03.2 Applications in peadiatric setting
Karin Straathof, United Kingdom
EDC03.3 Combinations of immunotherapy plus radiotherapy in brain metastases
Annette Compter, Netherlands
EDC03.4 Neurological complications of immunotherapy
Patrick Roth, Switzerland
EDC03.5 Detecting progression after immunotherapy
Reina Sol-Kloet, Netherlands
Chairs: tbc
EDN03.1 Identifying who is vulnerable through social network mapping
Maija Reblin, United States
EDN03.2 The care needs of elderly patients with glioblastoma
Cressida Lorimer, United Kingdom
EDN03.3 Caring for patients with communication deficits
Sara Melhuish, United Kingdom
EDN03.4 Treating patients struggling with addiction
Helen Shih, United States
EDN03.5 Vulnerability and resilience in low-grade glioma
Floor Gelmers, Netherlands
13:00-14:00 hrs | LUNCH BREAK
14:00-15:20 hrs
Chairs: tbc
EDB04.1 Imaging metabolism
Anastasia Tsyben, United Kingdom
EDB04.2 Imaging the brain peritumoral microenvironment with diffusion tensor imaging
Ragini Verma, United States
EDB04.3 Preclinical PET imaging
EDB04.4 Perfusion imaging, advanced modelling for research
Kars van der Weijden, Netherlands
Chairs: tbc
EDC04.1 Introduction to cognitive functioning in patients with glioma
Isabelle Ryden, Sweden
EDC04.2 Assessing the preoperative neurofunctional reserve vs. the surgical oncological benefit in gliomas
Asgeir Jakola, Sweden
EDC04.3 Preventing late cognitive effects of anti-tumor treatments
Jeff Wefel, United States
EDC04.4 Mitigating cognitive deficits through neurorehabilitation
Karin Gehring, Netherlands
15:20-15:30 hrs | BREAK
15:30-16:30 hrs
Chairs: tbc
EDB05.1 Biology of the BBB
Olaf Van Telligen, Netherlands
EDB05.2 Strategies for BBB disruption
Francesco Prada, Italy
EDB05.3 Brain-targeted delivery systems
Joelle Straehla, United States
Chairs: tbc
EDC05.1 Thrombosis and anticoagulation in neuro-oncology
Emilie Le Rhun, Switzerland
EDC05.2 Surgical site infection after tumour craniotomy
Stephen Price, United Kingdom
EDC05.3 Pregnancy-related issues and fertility preservation in brain tumour patients
Chairs: tbc
EDN04.1 Quality of life in meningioma patients
Farshad Nassiri, Canada
EDN04.2 Management of pituitary tumours
Cornelie Andela, Netherlands
EDN04.3 Endocrine disorders in childhood brain tumour survivors
Marianne Jarfelt, Sweden
EANO Meeting - Thursday, October 17, 2024
17:00-18:00 hrs
Chairs: tbc
PD01.1 How will we find a cure for glioblastoma in pediatric patients
Mariella Filbin, United States
PD01.2 How will we find a cure for glioblastoma in adult patients
Joachim Steinbach, Germany