EANO 2025


Abstract submission for EANO 2025 is OPEN!

Submission deadline: Wednesday, April 30, 2025 at 23:59 hrs CEST.


  • EANO accepts regular, encore or trial in progress abstracts.
  • Abstracts containing no results or structure will be rejected.
  • Abstracts with the obvious goal of advertising corporate products or services, will be rejected.
  • All submitted abstracts will be anonymised and reviewed by an independent review panel coordinated by the Scientific Committee.
  • Authors will be notified about the status of their submission and the final assignment (oral presentation or poster) via email by June 25, 2025.
  • Accepted abstracts will be published on the website of Neuro-Oncology beginning of October 2025.
  • There will not be a printed abstract book.
  • The embargo for abstracts submitted to EANO 2025 will lift on October 2, 2025.

To prepare your abstract submission please carefully read all the instructions and information in the sections “Guidelines and Submission Steps” and “Online Submission Portal” below.


  • Submitted abstracts can be corrected / withdrawn via the online submission portal until the submission deadline of April 30, 2025.
  • Corrections or withdrawals after the deadline have to be requested in an email to eano-meetings@eano.eu
  • No corrections / withdrawals are possible after July 31, 2025.


At least the presenting author of an abstract is obliged to register and pay the congress registration fee within 2 weeks (but not later than July 31, 2025) after notification on acceptance. In the event of non-fulfillment, the abstract will be withdrawn by the organisers.


01. Tumour cell biology, heterogeneity and plasticity
02. Microenvironment
03. Imaging
04. Computational neuro-oncology
05. Advanced diagnostics and biomarkers
06. Neurocognition and connectome
07. Neurosurgery, drug delivery and advanced techniques
08. Immunotherapy
09. Radiation
10. Pediatric brain tumors
11. Brain metastasis and leptomeningeal disease
12. Adult glioma
13. Meningioma
14. Rare CNS tumors
15. Palliative and supportive care/QoL
16. Public cancer policies and patient involvement
17. Clinical neuro-oncology
18. Preclinical neuro-oncology


For support during the submission process and any other questions, please send an email to eano-meetings@eano.eu or call +43 1 405 13 83 14 between 9.00 – 17.00 hrs Central European Time.

Guidelines and Submission Steps

Once you have logged into the submission portal with your account, click on the “+New” button to start with your abstract submission.

Read through the affirmations carefully and confirm them.


  • In the title, please use capital letters ONLY where necessary (e.g. "Detection of two novel large mutations in SLC7A9 by semi-quantitative fluorescent multiplex PCR").
  • Please DO NOT line breaks in the title. Use italics only where required by nomenclature.
  • The title is limited to 25 words!


1. Confirm the affirmation regarding the registration.

2. Please indicate whether your abstract is a regular, encore or trial in progress abstract. For an encore abstract please fill in where the abstract has been published before (journal name, issue, name of conference…) and provide a rationale for the resubmission.


Please allocate your submission to a suitable topic from the list provided. Select only ONE topic that best relates to the main subject of your abstract.

01. Tumour cell biology, heterogeneity and plasticity
02. Microenvironment
03. Imaging
04. Computational neuro-oncology
05. Advanced diagnostics and biomarkers
06. Neurocognition and connectome
07. Neurosurgery, drug delivery and advanced techniques
08. Immunotherapy
09. Radiation
10. Pediatric brain tumors
11. Brain metastasis and leptomeningeal disease
12. Adult glioma
13. Meningioma
14. Rare CNS tumors
15. Palliative and supportive care/QoL
16. Public cancer policies and patient involvement
17. Clinical neuro-oncology
18. Preclinical neuro-oncology


  • Please enter up to 3 keywords describing your work (at least 1 required).


  • No more than 35 authors can be listed.
  • A maximum of 2 affiliations per author is allowed.
  • First you need to add the presenting author information. The contact details will be prepopulated from the profile information you supplied. In case you will not present the abstract at the conference, you can overwrite the information.
  • In the next step you can add institutions, add co-authors, change who is presenting (marked in green), change the order of authors or add a consortium.
  • To add a new author click on "Add Author" and check if the person is already in the system by entering their email address and clicking on "Search".
    • If the person is already in the system, you can select them from the provided list by clicking on "Add". Review the prepopulated contact information, add any missing information and potential conflicts of interest, save and continue.
    • If the person is not in the system yet, use the button "Enter your Author here!", add all information, save and continue.
  • DISCLOSURE INFORMATION: In order to help readers form their own judgments of potential bias in published abstracts, submitters are asked to declare any competing financial interests of all authors. Contributions of up to EUR 10.000,- (or equivalent value in kind) per year per entity are considered "Modest". Contributions above EUR 10.000,- per year are considered "Significant".


The abstract body should be structured as follows:

-  Background
-  Material and Methods
-  Results
-  Conclusion

Concerning the abstract format and structure please see the SAMPLE ABSTRACT.

  • The text cannot exceed 2500 characters without spaces (350-400 words), excluding title and authors. Minimum 500 characters.
  • The abstract must be submitted in good English.
  • No tables, no graphics or illustrations are allowed.
  • No literature must be cited.
  • The text may be typed in or copy/pasted from an existing document.
  • Special characters are widely supported.
  • Support/Disclosure: Enter the source(s) of contributed support and/or grant numbers at the end of the abstract text section.


  • During submission, authors can select whether they prefer an oral or poster presentation.
  • Please indicate your preference, especially in case you do not want your abstract to be selected for an oral presentation.


Please indicate if

  • you want to apply for a Travel Scholarship and select the Scholarship you are eligible for. Only applicable for abstract submissions within the regular submission (deadline April 30, 2025);
  • you would like to be considered to publish a manuscript related to your abstract in Neuro-Oncology;
  • indicate if you are a Nurse/AHP submitting an abstract.


  • The summary page will display all information related to your abstract.
  • You may save the summary page for your records as a PDF. The system also has an e-mail confirmation feature. Simply click the appropriate link on the summary page and fill in your email address(es) in the appropriate box.
  • If you choose to delete the submission, this can be made here. Please note that you will not be able to retrieve deleted submissions.


  • Titles of submitted abstracts are displayed on your submission site, together with the information on whether the submission is complete or incomplete. To edit one of your abstracts, simply click on the title.
  • Submitted abstracts can be corrected / withdrawn via the online submission portal until the submission deadline of April 30, 2025.
  • Corrections or withdrawals after the deadline have to be requested in an email to eano-meetings@eano.eu
  • No corrections / withdrawals are possible after July 31, 2025.

Online Submission Portal


  • For optimum results when using the online submission system, it is recommended to use one of the following browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla FireFox or Safari.
  • Please note that in rare cases you may encounter an issue copy/pasting from Word on Mac, triggering an error message that your title cannot exceed 1,000 characters. In this case please reload the page and either type or copy/paste the title from a plain text application.
  • JavaScripts and cookies need to be enabled in your browser. Instructions to enable cookies are given on the login page.


Note: If you created an abstract submission account from 2021 onwards, please use this account.

  • The creation of a user account is required for the submission of an abstract. The account only needs to be created once (also if you choose to submit more than one abstract) and can be re-used for future EANO abstract submissions.
  • By using the username and password you created you will be able to return and edit, delete or withdraw your abstract at a later stage.
  • Personal information can be edited if necessary by clicking the „Profile“ icon (e.g. in case of an address change). Attention: All correspondence regarding the acceptance of your abstract will be emailed to the address given by you in the „author section“. Please provide a working email address.

First time users:

  1. When entering the online submission portal, click on „Create new account“. Fill in all required fields and save your personal information by clicking “Save & Continue” in the online form.
    Note: Please remember to create a password not being used for other logins (i.e. bank accounts, market places etc.)
  2. Once you have logged into the submission portal, you will be directed to the abstract submission site. Click on the “+New” button to start your abstract submission. If you cannot see this button, please make sure you are located in the tab labelled “submissions”.
  3. When clicking the “+New” button a new tab will open in your browser. Follow step by step the instructions for submission.
  4. At the end of the process, you will see a summary of your submission (“Review my work“). After submitting your abstract it should show as complete on your submission site.

Returning users submitting a new abstract:

  1. Login with the username and password you created.
  2. Click on the “+New” button to start a new submission.
  3. Carefully follow the step-by-step instructions.

Returning users continuing an aborted submission or editing an abstract already submitted:

  1. Login with the username and password you created.
  2. Locate the abstract and click on the displayed abstract title to make changes or complete the abstract.
  3. Continue your submission or click on the menu item you wish to change.
  4. Changes can be made until the submission deadline.


With the submission of an abstract to the EANO Meeting the presenting author:

  • confirms that all authors are aware of and agree to the content of the abstract and support the data presented and that no other regular abstract of the same content has been submitted via this abstract submission process;
  • accepts to be the contact person for all correspondence about the abstract and to inform co-authors and especially the presenting author about its status;
  • acknowledges that at least the presenting author of the abstract must register and pay the registration fee by July 31, 2025, otherwise the abstract will be rejected. ATTENTION: The regular registration payment period of 2 weeks does not apply in this case. This deadline also applies to presenting authors with a free registration;
  • states that for studies involving human or animal subjects, permission has been obtained from the relevant regulatory authority, and properly informed consent give where appropriate;
  • accepts responsibility for the accuracy of the submitted abstract;
  • acknowledges that once the abstract has been submitted, changes, corrections or rewordings are only possible until the deadline of abstract submission (April 30, 2025);
  • acknowledges that no corrections / withdrawals are possible after July 31, 2025;
  • agrees that the abstract submission is not possible without collecting, saving and processing her/his personal data. This is done in accordance with the most recent legislation on data protection (EU-GDPR 2018) and solely for the purpose of organising and realising the event. All abstracts including the author block will be published within the electronic abstract book published in the Journal Neuro-Oncology by Oxford University Press and on the website as well as in the EANO congress mobile app, which will be made accessible to all participants, committee members and sponsors (detailed data protection regulations);
  • understands that the abstract submission system as well as the publication process is operated by USA based companies (CTI, Oxford University Press).
  • acknowledges that careful typing and proof-reading are essential as the abstract will appear, if accepted, as submitted;
  • warrants that in case she/he submits a regular abstract, the data and conlusions presented in the abstract have not been published prior to the date of the EANO meeting. Otherwise she/he has to submit either an “encore abstract” or a “trial in progress abstract”. Regular abstracts containing previously published material will be rejected;
  • confirms that no person employed by a company as defined by the CMSS Code for Interactions with Companies is the first or presenting author on clinical abstracts or on abstracts on translational research from clinial trials;
  • acknowledges that employees of pharmaceutical and diagnostic companies can submit and present data generated in in-vitro and pre-clinical basic research, but not of translational research from clinical trials. The meeting presentation, whether oral or poster, must clearly describe all financial disclosures.

Simultaneous Publication

We are aiming to publish full manuscripts of selected major content simultaneously with the oral presentation at the EANO Meeting in Neuro-Oncology.

Please indicate your preference for your abstract to be evaluated for this opportunity by using the appropriate tick box during the submission process (SUBMISSION STEP 8: MORE INFORMATION).