The EANO Youngsters committee says “Hello”
The EANO Youngsters Committee was iniciated in 2012 and aims to provide a platform for networking, interaction and collaboration between young scientists with a special interest in Neuro-Oncology. Therefore, the EANO Youngsters committee was formed to organize activities specially focusing on young scientists within the EANO. Here, the EANO Youngsters aim to represent the diversity of EANO with a lot of different specialties involved in Neuro-Oncology as well as to represent the different scientific interest from a clinical as well as a translational and basic science viewpoint.
George Petrescu
George Petrescu, MD, PhD, is a neurosurgeon and lecturer at Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania. His research interests include finding new therapeutic targets for primary brain tumors and improving the quality of life of neuro-oncological patients following surgical resection. He is also involved in developing educational applications using modern techniques such as extended reality for teaching medical students and residents interested in the field of neuro-oncology, as well as for informing patients.

Francesco Bruno
Francesco Bruno, MD, completed his Neurology Residency in 2021 and is currently attending a PhD programme at the Division of Neuro-Oncology, Department of Neurosciences, University of Turin, Italy. He is particularly involved in clinical research on glioma patients, with a special interest on lower-grade gliomas and brain tumour-related epilepsy. More recently, his research has also been focussed on the identification of markers of neurodegeneration in patients with Primary Central Nervous System Lymphomas (PCNSL) undergoing different treatment modalities.

Felix Ehret
Felix Ehret, MD, is a radiation oncology resident and assistant professor in the Department of Radiation Oncology at Charité, Berlin, Germany. He is also a current research fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. His research interests focus on refining radiotherapy for meningiomas and gliomas. Additionally, he investigates the use of stereotactic radiosurgery and stereotactic body radiotherapy, encompassing both clinical and translational projects.
Antonio C. Fuentes-Fayos
Antonio C. Fuentes-Fayos, PhD, is a postdoctoral researcher at the Regenerative Medicine Institute at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles. His research focuses on the immunopeptidome of brain tumors, utilizing cutting-edge molecular analyses, single-cell sequencing, peptidomics, and advanced modeling techniques. Through this work, he aims to characterize the diverse cell populations within gliomas and explore the complex interactions between the immune response, tumor evolution, and the efficacy of existing therapies.
Maximilian Mair
Maximilian Mair, MD PhD, is working as a postdoctoral researcher and resident in Medical Oncology at the Medical University of Vienna, Austria. His research focuses on systemic treatment of primary brain tumors, with a main interest on gliomas and meningiomas. Currently, he is pursuing a postdoctoral fellowship at LMU Hospital in Munich (Germany), where his work centers on diagnostic and therapeutic applications of nuclear medicine in CNS malignancies.

Maximilian Mastall
Maximilian Mastall, MD, PhD, is a neurology resident at the University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland. He obtained his MD focusing on immune cell infiltration into glioblastoma at the Neurosurgical Department of the University Hospital Heidelberg, Germany. Recently, he completed his PhD in Cancer Biology, generating Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T cells against glioblastoma. His research interests are novel immunotherapeutic strategies for patients with malignant brain tumors.

Lauritz Miarka
Lauritz Miarka, MD is a physician-scientist and postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Neuropathology of the University Medical Center Freiburg, Germany. His research interests are at the intersection of translational oncology and neuroimmunology, with a particular focus on the diverse role of myeloid cells within the tumor microenvironment.

Giulia Sprugnoli
Giulia Sprugnoli, MD, PhD, is a neuroradiologist and neuroscientist interested in functional MRI correlates of brain tumors and dementia. She has been conducting neuroscience research since her medical training in Italy, where she pursued her residency with a specific focus in neuroradiology, which also led her to spend a year in Boston at Harvard Medical School. Recently, she completed her PhD program in Neuroscience in Florence, Italy, and started her academic career as an adjunct professor in neuroradiology at the University Hospital of Modena, where she lives.

Andrada Turcas
Andrada Turcas, MD, is a radiation oncology resident and PhD candidate from Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Currently she is a research fellow at the EORTC in Brussels, Belgium within SIOPE's QUARTET project, focusing on RTQA in pediatric radiotherapy clinical trials. Her interests include novel radiotherapy techniques and targeted therapies for paediatric and adult brain tumours.

Iris Verploegh
Iris Verploegh is a MD-PhD candidate at the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Her PhD, which is a joined program of the departments of Cell Biology and Neurosurgery, focusses on pathophysiology and treatment potential of developmental pathways in glioblastoma.
Together we aim to address the issues of young Neuro-Oncology scientists within the EANO and provide a platform for interaction as well as organize dedicated activates. Any ideas for new activities? Do not hesitate to contact us via the Facebook group or email:
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