The association is administered by an Executive Board (with voting right) composed as follows:
president, past president, treasurer, 7 board members elected according to nationality and specialty. The EANO board has portfolio of competences which consist of: Diversity Committee, Educational Committee, Guidelines Committee, Nurses and Allied Health Professional Committee, Scientific Committee, Publishing Activity Committee, Youngsters Committee, congress organisation, publication, website, secretary, project development, relationships with national and international societies, nurses and related health groups. Each task is assigned to a board member according to President’s suggestion and approval of the whole board, and has to report back.
The Executive Board is supported by all committees, the chair of each of the above named committee is represented as co-opted member in the EANO General Board.
The General Assembly, composed by all individuall EANO Members, has the full power to put the aim of the Association into effect.
The mission of EANO is:
- to promote collaboration and exchange of information on a European basis among neurologists, neurosurgeons, neuropathologists, neuroradiologists, paediatric neuro-oncologists, radiationoncologists, medical oncologists and basic scientists as well as other healthcare professionals such as (neuro)psychologists, physio- and occupational therapists, speech and language therapists and nurses who are interested in neuro-oncology.
- to promote education and research in neuro-oncology
- to promote neuro-oncology among the European institutions and general public
- to improve the practice and organisation of neuro-oncology. “Ad hoc” task forces are appointed to develop guidelines or recommendations.
The General Assembly has the full power to put the aims and missions of the association into effect. The General Assembly is composed of all individuall EANO members.
Statutes EANO
Please click here to download the EANO statutes