Publishing Activity Committee
The Publishing Activity Committee supports the Executive Board of EANO and consists of Editors that represent EANO in the following journals: Neuro-Oncology, Neuro-Oncology Practice and Neuro-Oncology Advances. All these journals are published by Oxford University Press (OUP).
The flagship journal Neuro-Oncology is owned by the US partner of EANO, the Society of Neuro-Oncology (SNO), with EANO as a minority shareholder. Furthermore, Neuro-Oncology is the official journal of the SNO, the Japan Society for Neuro-Oncology (JSNO), the EANO, and the World Federation of Neuro-Oncology Societies (WFNOS). Neuro-Oncology Advances and Neuro-Oncology Practice are sister journals of Neuro-Oncology and published in partnership with the EANO.
In 2025, the journal Neuro-Oncology Pediatrics, jointly owned by SNO and EANO, will be launched as the fourth title in the Neuro-Oncology family of journals, with an anticipated publication date in mid-2025.
The main tasks of the committee are to ensure scientific representation and strategic orientation of EANO in these journals, providing a link between EANO and the journal publisher OUP and promoting the publication activities within the EANO membership.
The committee consists of the EANO Editors (i.e., Associate Editors, Executive Editors, and possibly Editor-in-Chief) in the various publication sectors, the EANO Treasurer, the EANO President, and the EANO Past President.
Publication Activity Committee composition 2024-2026
Chair: Norbert Galldiks, DE (Associate Editor NOA & NOP)
Past-chair: Martin Taphoorn, NL (Editor-in-Chief NOP)
Florien Boele, UK (Associate Editor NO)
Francois Ducray, FR (Associate Editor NOA)
Monika Hegi, CH (Associate Editor NO)
Johan A.F. Koekkoek, NL (Associate Editor NOP)
Katrin Lamszus, DE (Associate Editor NOA)
Philipp Lohmann, DE (Associate Editor NOA)
Giuseppe Minniti, IT (Associate Editor NOA & NOP)
Karin Piil, DEN (Associate Editor NOP)
Michael Platten, DE (EANO President, Associate Editor NO)
Matthias Preusser, AT (Executive Editor NO)
Patrick Roth, CH (Executive Editor NOP)
Felix Sahm, DE (Associate Editor NOA)
Susan Short, UK (EANO Past President, Associate Editor NOA)
Abigail Suwala, DE (Associate Editor NOP)
Ghazaleh Tabatabai, DE (Associate Editor NOA)
Manuel Valiente, ES (EANO Treasurer)
Wolfgang Wick, DE (Executive Editor NOA)