Call for Applications to EANO Committees

Call for applications in the EANO Nurses and Allied Health Care Professionals Committee (NAC) 2025-2027

Over the past 5 years, the Nurse and Allied Health Professionals Committee (NAC) has established a robust network of nurses and allied health professionals, fostering inspiration and numerous impactful projects. EANO wishes to keep strengthening the role and functioning of nurses and health allied personals dedicated to brain tumor patients and their families.

The EANO NAC Committee is looking for active new members that will start their engagement after the EANO Meeting in Prague 2025. The duration of the position is 2 years, with the possibility of one re-election, depending on the “intensity of commitment” as judged by the Executive Board and Chair of the Committee. Applicants must be members of EANO (i.e. paid-up members).

The NAC is dedicated to building a strong and collaborative network of nurses and allied health professionals across borders and within EANO. Our goal is to foster an international community that connects, educates, and empowers professionals working in neuro-oncology. We aim to strengthen the person- and family centred care and multidisciplinary team around the patient.

As we are a European association with varied expertise/professions, there are differences in clinical practice and research opportunities for our membership. We endeavour to actively engage with our community, organising initiatives such as a supportive care track at the annual Education Day to enhance knowledge, research, and best practices in patient care. We participate in writing guidelines, organising webinars, instigating surveys, and coordinating social events. We are keen to showcase outstanding research from our community. The NAC committee have prizes and awards to honour members for their exceptional research contributions and promote new members via travel grants. Where possible, we work together with other EANO committees.

The NAC is composed of representatives of different subspecialties and or professions with balance regarding countries and gender.

Applications for the Executive Board at the same time are not possible; application for another EANO Committee is possible by indicating primary and secondary choices, also former Executive Board members are very welcome to apply.

The EANO Executive Board as well as the Chair of the Committee Florien Boele are looking forward to receive your application!

Application deadline May 31, 2025!

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